Monday, April 20, 2009

Want to find out what happened in 13 Dead End Drive? Then Check back soon when 13 Weekly goes on stands!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Welcome to the Gore Store!

NOTE: All Items can only be used once!

:Challenge Items:

Sit Player out of Challenge

Stock: 2 Price: $7000.00
Any Heir who purchases this item will have the power to sit any player of their choice out of a challenge. This item must be played before the challenge (that you want to sit the player out) goes up.

Advantage in Challenge
Stock: 2 Price: $7000.00
Any Heir who purchases this item will receive an advantage in any challenge they desire. This item must be played before the challenge (that you want to receive an advantage for) goes up.

:Voting Items:

Eliminate Vote
Stock: 2 Price: $9000.00
Any Heir who purchases this item will have the power to eliminate anyone's vote, even the Head Heir's, at any Graveyard Ceremony. This item must be played before the results of the desired Graveyard Ceremony are revealed.

Extra Vote
Stock: 2 Price: $9000.00
Any Heir who purchases this item will receive one extra vote at any Graveyard Ceremony. A Nominee can also use this item to gain a vote if they are nominated for execution. This item must be played before the results of the desired Graveyard Ceremony are revealed.


Nomination Veto
Stock: 1 Price: $12,000.00
Any heir who purchases this item will be able to veto their nomination if they come in last in a competition or are nominated by the Head Heir. This item must be played either before a challenge goes up or before the results of a Nomination Ceremony are posted.

Death Card Veto
Stock: 1 Price: $10,000.00
Any Heir who purchases this item will be able to steal money from a player who's target has been eliminated. When an heir is executed, instead of their money going to the heir who had their Death Card, their money will go to you. This item must be played before the results of the desired Graveyard Ceremony are revealed.

:Rare Items:

Item Nullification
Stock: 1 Price: $11,000.00
Any Heir who purchases this item will have the power to nullify any item this is used on them, for example: Sit player out of a challenge or Eliminate Vote. This item does not have to be played! If an item is used on you it will automatically be nullified.

Stock: ? Price: $14,000.00
Any Heir who purchases this item will be able to save themselves from execution. This item does not have to be played! If you are executed you will automatically be save if you have this in your possession.

Mystery Item
Stock: ? Price: $18,000.00
It's a Mystery!

Challenge #6
Welcome everyone to your 6th Challenge! With Zander being executed last night only 8 of you remain. For this challenge you will really find out how people feel about you in this game. Below you will find a series of questions that you will have to answer twice with the names of the 8 remaining Heirs. The first time you answer the questions you must answer how you personally feel, however, you may NOT answer yourself for this part of the challenge. The second time you answer the set of questions you may answer yourself because this time you are answering how you think everyone as a majority answered the questions.

Each time you answer a question correctly you will have the opportunity to cause some damage because the only way you will survive in this challenge is by eliminating other Heirs. You will each be given three torches, each time you answer a question correctly you will get to snuff one of the other 7 Heirs torches, once your 3 torches are gone, so are you. Your goal is to be the last one standing and win Head Heir.

Once again you will be divided into 4 pairs, however, like in Board Game Bombs, you pairs will be kept hidden for the duration of the challenge. The first pair to be eliminated from the challenge alltogether, will become nominated for execution. However, to prevent you from eliminating your pair I will give you a clue to who is paired up with who.
The Clue is:
--East to West--

When you do this challenge you must submit 3 things: The questions answered how you personally feel, the questions answered how you think the majority feels, and finally, you must also include a list of the order in which you would like to snuff your fellow heirs from 1-7( 1 being who you want to snuff first and 7 who you want to snuff last).

You have until FRIDAY AT 8PM EASTERN to complete this challenge. Remember to submit all three things in the challenge section of your confessional.


1. Who's probably not going to win this challenge?
2. Who's the biggest threat in the game?
3. Who can't hold a conversation to save their life?
4. Who is the funniest Heir?
5. Who is the most genuine person?
6. Who is most likely going to win this game?
7. Who has too many alliances in this game?
8. Who rubs people the wrong way but doesn't know it?
9. Who would you trust with your life?
10. Who should have been voted out already?
11. Who better pray they win this challenge?
12. Who would you most like to meet in real life?
13. Who is the hardest person to get a read on?
14. Who is the most manipulative?
15. Who would you most like to see win?
16. Who shouldn't have been cast in the first place?
17. Who do you hate the most?
18. Who do you love the most?
19. Who is the most annoying?
20. Who do you think has you as their Death Card?


Challenge #5

Welcome everyone to your 5th Challenge! Zander has been nominated for execution this round and will not participate in this challenge, however, everyone else will. For this challenge you will each be divided into 4 pairs of 2 based on the results of the Fav poll on the website. I’ll reveal the pairs:

Pair #1: Dave and Chris
Pair #2: Jamie and Bo
Pair #3: Monique and Sandy
Pair #4: Ryan and Kyle

For this challenge you will compete in a traditional strategy game located on the forum. In round one you will face off against your partner, the winner of each round moves on while the loser is out of the challenge. The 4 round 1 winners will face off in round 2, and the 2 remaining players will face off for Head Heir in round #3.

Here is how the challenge will work. There are 21 skulls; your goal is to get the last skull remaining. You do so by alternating turns and picking either 1, 2 or 3 skulls each time. Whoever posts first goes first and then from there on you must alternate. Whoever gets the last skull, on their turn to pick, will continue on. So if there are 3 skulls left, you can take all 3 skulls and that means you have won. To play just post how many skulls you are taking and the current number of skulls remaining after your pick, for example:

Matthew takes 3 skulls, 18 skulls remain.

On the forum you will find the 3 boards for each round. Once a round is complete, the winners can move on a begin the next round, you do not have to wait for me to say go. However, if a round is not finished in 24 hours then the player who posted FIRST will move on. The Head Heir’s original partner in round one will be nominated for execution this round, meaning the only 1 person from the challenge will be nominated.

This challenge is due whenever it is finished (however if it does not go at a normal speed I will have to step in). If you have any questions please ask!

Challenge #4

Welcome everyone to your 4th Challenge! Only 10 Heirs remain and all of you will be participating in this challenge. The 10 of you have all been divided into pairs! As usual, the highest scoring individual will become Head Heir, the lowest scoring overall pair will become nominated for execution.
Before we get to the challenge I'll reveal the pairs:
(Heirs were divided by age)
Pair #1: Monique and Zander
Pair #2: Bo and Matthew
Pair #3: Dave and Jamie
Pair #4: Sandy and Ryan
Pair #5: Kyle and Chris

For this challenge, you will playing a game related to the fun partner game “Taboo.” In the original game of Taboo, you receive a partner and your objective is to get that partner to guess a word without saying a list of 5 words that are given to you, which are related to that word.
In this version of the challenge however, you will be given the 5 words that you normally wouldn’t be allowed to say. From those words given to you, your goal will be to guess the original word related to the 5!

1. Sand, Water, Volleyball, Laguna, Swim
Original Word/Answer: Beach

Each heir will find in the challenge section of their confessional a list of 7 different Taboo Puzzles. However, each puzzle is for their partner. Their goal is to give the puzzles to their partner so they can figure them out and post them, along with the answers, in their confessional. The first Individual to post the correct 7 puzzles in their confessional and receive the highest score will become Head Heir. The lowest scoring overall pair will become nominated for execution.
Note: Not all of the clues will be so obvious, but the clues will have some sort of relation to the word. Also, a couple of these words you will have to guess will not actually be what you consider “words”, but instead a thing - or a person! Be careful!

If there is a tie, it will be determined by speed. THIS CHALLENGE IS DUE SUNDAY, MAY 17TH AT 6PM EASTERN!
Post all Answers in the challenge section of your confessional. IF you have any questions please ask.

Challenge #3
Board Game Bombs
Welcome everyone to your 3rd Challenge! Ryan has been awarded Immunity and will not participate in this challenge. Once again the 10 of you will be divided up into pairs of two. However, this time your pairs will not be revealed to you and will be kept secret.

Below you will see a grid of 49 squares. You will each get a chance to hide 3 markers on any of the squares of the grid by picking coordinates such as D3 or f6. Then you will compete in a trivia competition where you will answer questions about other various boardgames. Each time you get a question correct you will be able to Bomb one of your opponents markers off the board. The last heir standing with at least 1 marker intact will become Head Heir.

The first pair to have both heirs eliminated will become nominated for execution. You will not know who your partner is, so try not to eliminate them. In the event of a tie it will come down to who sent their answers in first.

Please post all your answers in the challenge section of your confessional. You will be posting 3 things: Your 3 coordinates you want to hide your markers. Your answers to the trivia questions. Finally, your list of coordinates that you would like to bomb should you answer your questions correctly. Please list at least 40 coordinates because once a place has been bombed it cannot be bombed again.


Trivia Questions:
1. On your fourth guess, you believe you have eliminated the colored peg on one column, but you have to be sure. In your next row, you place two whites, a red and a yellow (all different from the prior turn but the yellow). You are pleased to discover that you now have guessed the correct color on two columns. Which game are you playing?

2. With a total of 11 armies, player one, who occupies Indonesia, attacks Siam, occupied by player two with seven armies. Player one hopes to gain a foothold in Asia. As it turns out, Siam is held by player two with two remaining armies. Which board game is being played?

3. You have just taken a 'Chance', which has resulted in your being instructed to 'Go directly to jail.' You must not pass Go or collect $200 dollars. You are a victim of which board game?

4. It's your turn, and you make the most of it. With your letters, you make the word 'blitz', using a 'Triple Letter Score' (off the other player's letter 'T'). Your 'Z' has landed on a 'Double Letter Score'. Your total score for the round is 82! You are pleased to be playing which game?

5. On your turn, you suggest that it might be Colonel Mustard in the conservatory with the lead pipe. The player to your right proves you wrong by secretly showing you the card with the lead pipe. You are deeply involved in which board game?

6. You boldly move your General forward to attack a piece you suspect to be your enemy's flag. Unfortunately, your General has encountered a bomb and both pieces are removed from play. In which game have you just lost one of your key pieces?

7. You guess C-6. Your opponent's face turns a pale white. 'Hit', s/he says in frustration, continuing, 'You have sunk my aircraft carrier.' You have just pulled a major coup in which board game?

8. You've just answered a question about Napoleon, earning you a yellow wedge, and now all that you have remaining is to acquire the green wedge, you brainiac. You are close to winning which entertaining board game?

9. You have just rolled the dice, resulting in the collection of three ore resources. Unfortunately, you don't need ore, but rather clay. You make a general offer to trade two ores for one clay, and the player on your right, who has three clays, agrees. You build a city and end your turn. These activities are all part of what captivating board game?

10. You have just moved your player one space into a 'Frontier' territory. Consulting the Tower, you discover that there are brigands in this territory, and you choose to fight. You win the battle! Which 'Tower' are you playing against?

11. This game was first made by Milton Bradley in 1860. A 100-year anniversary tribute game was made in 1960, and this became the version of the game we know today. In this game the players travel in plastic cars and land on spaces with different instructions on them. In the end, everyone retires and whoever has the most money wins. Which game is this?

12. This game was originally made by Parker Brothers in 1975. Which board game requires players to budget the money they receive at the end of each month in order to pay their bills and other expenses?

13. Which strategy game involves two players taking turns moving their numbered pieces in an attempt to capture the other player's flag?

14. In this game of deduction each player chooses a person and they take turns guessing traits about that person until they are able to figure out who the other person has. What board game is this?

15. This is one of the most popular board games of all time. It involves buying property and trying to make the other players bankrupt until you're the last one left. Which game is this?

16. In this game, players use squares with letters on them to try and make words. Each player gets seven letters at a time and points are given based on the letters used in each word. Which board game is this?

17. Which board game involves collecting colored "pies" by answering general knowledge or popular culture questions?

18. In this board game, made by Milton Bradley in 1965, players surgically remove the body parts of a very unhappy patient, collecting money each time they are successful. But if they aren't, the patient's nose flashes and they have to wait for the next turn to try again. Which game is this?

19. This game is for two players and the ultimate goal is to capture your opponent's king. Different pieces on the board can move in different ways and when an opposing player's piece is within the movement of one of your pieces you can capture it. What game is this?

20. Which board game involves drawing different objects while your teammate tries to guess what it is?

Challenge #2
Aunt Agatha's Mind Boggling Race of Doom

Welcome everyone to your 2nd Challenge! All 12 of you will be competing in pairs of 2. Once again the lowest scoring pair will be nominated for execution, while the highest scoring individual will become our 2nd Head Heir. Before we get to the challenge lets reveal the pairs:
This time the pairs are based on the order of your role:

Pair #1: Blake & Bo
Pair #2: Jamie & Ryan
Pair #3: Monique & Chris
Pair #4: Matthew & Kyle
Pair #5: Brandon & Zander
Pair #6: Sandy & Dave

Now onto the challenge!
Among many things, Aunt Agatha luuuvvved her trivia! But instead of just a boring trivia challenge I decided to step it up a notch. On the forum you will see 5 Check Point Forums. Each pair's goal is to get inside each forum and Check into the check point. Be the first team to get through all the check points the fastest means you win.

However, all the check points have been password protected. Each password to each check point is a trivia answer. Each team will have to solve each question to be able to gain access into the next check point. Once you are into a check point you will find another question and the race continues.

Remember this is not a race to see who is the first one to finish, it is a race to see who can get through all the check points the fastest. You will see a board called "Start Challenge" one member from each team must post in there stating that they have started the challenge. Once you begin, your time will start. If you cannot finish the challenge then you can post in whatever check point you have made it to and post "End Challenge".

Here are some rules for the challenge that you MUST remember:
(1) All challenge answers are a number, you do not have to spell them out.
(2) At each check point, except the final one, BOTH members of each pair must post, for example " Butler Checks In" in order for that check in to count. If you do not than you will be disqualified at that point.
(3) To become Head Heir you must be the first person of the pair to post in the Final Check point. The person who posts first on the final check point of the fastest team will become Head Heir.

You have 24 Hours to complete this challenge, challenge ends at 7pm Eastern Time on Thursday, May 7th.

If you have any questions please ask! Good Luck!
Challenge #1

Grave Diggers

Welcome everyone to your first Challenge! The 12 of you who are currently safe from execution will be paired into teams of two based on the order you sent your applications in. Here are the pairs:

Pair #1: Matthew and Bo
Pair #2: Ryan and Dave
Pair #3: Kyle & Chris
Pair #4: Brandon & Monique
Pair #5: Zander and Sandy
Pair #6: Corey and Jamie

Each pair will work together to remain safe in the game because the lowest scoring pair will become nominated for execution.

The highest scoring overall player will become Head Heir and will have the power to nominate 1 heir for execution.

Now before we get to the challenge I will reveal the twist to last night's voting. Blake will not have to sit this challenge out and will have the chance to save himself from possible execution. If Blake scores the highest in this challenge and becomes Head Heir he will be able to remove himself from the block and will get to nominate someone in return, however he will have to work alone.

Now for the challenge, on the forum you will see 7 boards each set up for the six pairs and Blake. Each board will represent a grave, the pair to "dig" (or post) their grave the deepest will become Head Heir. You do this by posting in your board. Each time you post your grave will be 1 foot deeper. However, each post must be in pattern such as this for each pair :

The Maid digs 1 Foot
The Chef digs 1 Foot
The Maid digs 1 Foot
The Chef 1 digs Foot

Blake you will not have to rely on a partner as you will be able to post whenever you want.

If Blake has the most posts in his board by the time of the due date he will become Head Heir.
If a pair has the most posts in their board by the time of the due date , the LAST PERSON to post in their board (out of the two pairs) will become Head Heir.

There is also a twist to this challenge. Each pair and Blake will be given 3 sand bags. At any point during the challenge a person is allowed to post "drops sand bag" in another pair or Blake's board. This will minus 10 feet (or 10 posts) from that pairs or Blake's total posts posted.

This Challenge will end on Monday, May 4th at 10pm Eastern!

If there is any confusion over the challenge please ask!

Please check back when the game begins!