Saturday, February 7, 2009

Challenge 1

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Aunt Agatha has passed away without any surviving relatives - so now her fortu
ne is up for grabs! Her 13 friends and employees are all anxiously awaiting the reading of her will. But it says only one will inherit her fabulous wealth! She has left her estate to her most favorite person- the last one standing at the end of the game. Will it be you?

Each round will consist of one challenge, followed by a 24 hour period where the Head Heir or Heiress will get to nominate one person for execution. After the selection has been made, the heirs will attend the execution ceremony, where the heirs who are capable of voting will vote or “kill off” one of the nominees.

Every new round will begin with a new challenge. Before the challenge begins the remaining heirs will be paired up in teams of two that will compete against each other. While still being an individual challenge, the person with the highest overall score will become Head Heir or Heiress. The two heirs on the lowest scoring pair (scores combined) will face automatic nomination for execution.

Once the challenge is over and the results are out, the Head Heir or He
iress will have 24 hours to nominate a person for execution. They cannot choose either of the two lowest scoring heirs that have already been nominated. Whoever they chose will be nominated with the other two players.

During the Graveyard Ceremony the three nominated heirs will vie to stay alive. The Nominees and the Head Heir or Heiress are not permitted to vote during the Execution ceremony. However, if there is a tie than the Head Heir or Heiress will have final say in who goes.
Whichever heir receives the most votes will be executed.

The Rules for tying state that if there is a tie the Head Heir or Heiress will decided who is executed. If the Head Heir or Heiress decides that the Nominee who is not in the tie should be executed than that person will be. For example: The Maid, The Butler and The Chef are all nominated
. The Maid and the Butler have tied:
The Maid (4 Votes)
The Butler (4 Votes)
The Chef (1 Vote)
If the Head Heir or Heiress has voted for The Chef to be executed than he/she will be the one leaving the game.

When the game reaches our final two heirs, in order to win, they will have to win over the Jury of the 11 already executed players. In a Survivor's final tribal council like ceremony, each Jury member will get to ask a question or make a statement to one of the two remaining heirs. Then, each Jury member will vote for who they want to win the game.

At the beginning of the game each heir will be given a money bag consisting of $5000 (imaginary of course). The Money Bags will be used to buy items throughout the game that could help prolong the life of an heir, or shorten it. There will be NO SHARING or NO GIVING of Money. Heirs are greedy,
you want it for yourself.

Also, at the beginning of the game each heir will be given a Death Card. On that Death Card will be a picture of another heir. Their goal in the game will be to get that heir executed. Once that heir is executed their money will go to them. They will then get the target of the person they executed and the process will continue. For example: There are four players: The Maid's target is The Butler, The Butler's is The Chef, The Chef's is The Gardener, and the Gardener's is the Maid.

The Maid-->The Butler-->The Chef-->The Gardener-->The Maid

The Butler gets executed so that means his Money would go to the Maid and her new target would be the Chef.

An Heir is allowed to make a private accusation about who they think has them as their target. They are only allowed to make one accusation each round, and if correct than that heir will become nominated. If incorrect than they will become nominated. Nominees and Head Heir are not allowed to make accusations for their duration of that time. This is why it is important for all heirs to keep who their target is a secret; because what if your closest ally has you as a target?

Here is where heirs will purchase items that can help or hurt them in the game. More information on this will become available when the game be

:13 Weekly:
13 Weekly are episodes that will be written and published on the website once the game is finished. I decided to make them in a magazine fashion to add something extra to the episodes. An example is on the front page.

-The game will be played during May and June, so make sure you are able to actively participate during those months!

-In order to be accepted, you must have AIM/AOL. If you don't currently have it, you may download it for free HERE.You are expected to post all conversations relating to the game. You are also expected to make mandatory confessionals. If you choose not to, you will have to face the consequences.

-Threats towards other players or the host will not be tolerated. The first threat you make in the game will be your last, you will be removed immediately.We all know there can only be 1 winner, so when executed, don't act like a baby and throw a tantrum. Suck it up and deal with it. This is what you signed up for.

-If you are executed and placed onto the Jury, you are expected to ask questions/give a statement to the final two along with a vote for the winner. If Fail to do this within the allotted time then you will lose your juror position.

-Don't quit the game. No one likes quitters. If you have a problem with something, or person's issues then let me know about it and I'll deal accordingly. But quitting is for losers.

-Failure to vote in three Execution Ceremonies will result in your expulsion from the game. Inactivity is just as bad as quitting. Don't apply if you plan on being inactive, you ruin someone elses chances.

-Absolutely NO cheating will be tolerated during the game. This includes challenges, Executions and breaking into other people's accounts on the forum. If you are caught cheating, you will be removed immediately, no excuses.

-You're not allowed to change your vote at any time. Once you have casted your vote, it will not change.

-The host has the ability to change anything in the game at any time. He has the final say at everything that happens in the game, argue with him and prepare to face consequences.

-Don't forget to have fun and don't take the game too seriously. It is in fact a game that is meant to have a good time. Keep that in mind!